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About us

About us

Nima A is a health science major with a background in social work. She has grown up around pets all her life, and is also the proud mumma to 8 gorgeous indoor cats, 1 ecelectus parrot and a bunny.  Her beautiful pets are also on Instagram as  @_hausofcats, where they are living the best lives possible. 

Being a cat mumma, it was important to Nima that she provides a home environment with the safest and cleanest possible surroundings. However, she wanted to go a step further and create a more natural setting for them using indoor plants.

This mission was not easy, as most indoor plants can be highly toxic to pets. Despite the challenges, she remained undeterred. Nima conducted extensive research, visiting numerous nurseries and garden centers only to find options limited. She needed non-toxic plants that also harmonised with our home aesthetics.

After much distress and what felt like an endless cycle, an idea sparked - with a passion of horticulture and pets, Why not fill the gap in the market herself? This is how Leafy Paw was born.